You don’t need to worry at all because this hack and the extension are completely legal. The hack is dubbed Marauders Map, which is the name of the magical map that showed the location of students of Hogwarts in “ Harry Potter.” This new extension has been developed by Aran Khanna, a student developer and hopefully Facebook intern in future.

This is achieved by using the location data that gets attached to your Facebook messenger conversations. This map hack is so precise that it even shows wherever you or your friends have been while chatting with each other within a meter. With the help of a clever Google Chrome extension, you can discover the various locations you and your friends have been to via a Map provided by Facebook. This is done by using the location data that usually is attached to your chats on Facebook Messenger. Summary: A new Google Chrome extension has been identified by The Next Web with which you can check out a personal map of every location Facebook knows that you and your folks have been to.